Bio identical Hormone treatment Grandview, TX

Overview of hormone imbalance

Hormone levels naturally decline with age, leading to undesirable symptoms. Bioidentical hormones can supplement the body’s low hormone levels to alleviate these issues. When administered properly under medical supervision, hormone therapy offers a variety of benefits and a good safety profile.

What are bioidentical hormones

Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. Pharmaceutical preparations of these hormones can be custom-compounded in creams, pills or injections designed to mimic the body’s natural rhythms.

Our services

Customization provides optimized restoration

With customized bioidentical hormone replacement tailored to the individual, patients report improved sleep, mood, cognition, libido, and energy levels. Muscle mass may increase while body fat decreases. Some patients see benefits for skin elasticity, joint pain, and cardiovascular health.

Take control of your hormone balance today!

Diagnosing hormone imbalance

The first step is diagnostic testing to accurately measure current hormone levels. Blood, saliva or urine samples may be used. Testing is ideally performed in the morning when hormone levels are most stable. Repeat testing over time can demonstrate trends.

Symptoms and risk factors provide additional clues pointing to potential hormone deficiency. However, symptoms alone cannot diagnose specific imbalances as many overlap. Testing helps clarify which hormones to target for each patient.

Common symptoms

Risk factors

Bioidentical testosterone therapy

Testosterone acts in both sexes to build lean muscle mass and strength while reducing fat. It boosts libido, energy, motivation and cognitive performance. Testosterone levels peak in youth and decline with age. Supplementation can:

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has demonstrable benefits for both men and women with low testosterone. When administered under medical guidance with proper testing, TRT offers an excellent safety profile.

Diagnostic testing

A simple blood draw can accurately measure testosterone levels. Testing is best performed before 10am for optimal accuracy as testosterone follows a daily rhythm.

Total and free testosterone levels provide key information. Testing may also assess related hormones influencing testosterone activity including estradiol, DHEA, prolactin and SHBG. Repeat testing establishes trends over time.

Symptoms and risk factors provide additional context guiding treatment plans:

Common symptoms:

Risk factors:

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to those made by the body, unlike synthetic hormones. Studies show some benefits like relief of menopause symptoms, but more research is needed into their long-term safety and optimal dosing.

Restoring hormonal balance with bioidentical hormones

Treatment begins with lifestyle optimization regarding diet, exercise, sleep, and stress reduction. Correcting identified hormone deficiencies then provides a targeted boost enabling full benefit from healthy lifestyle practices.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offers custom-compounded prescriptions meeting each patient’s individual hormonal needs for transdermal creams or injectables. Pellet implants placed under the skin provide another delivery method lasting 3-6 months.

Below are the most commonly prescribed bioidentical hormones:


Restores youthful vitality, strength, body composition and sexual functioning in both men and women. It also benefits mood, motivation and cognitive abilities.


Alleviates hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, joint pain and other menopause symptoms in women. Supports heart health, bone density and skin elasticity.


Balances the effects of estrogen in women, while aiding sleep and providing calm energy. Crucial for regulating menstrual cycles.


An adrenal androgen and precursor supporting testosterone. It boosts energy, immunity, mood, libido and ability to handle stress. Declines dramatically with age.


Regulates sleep/wake cycles and circadian rhythms. Supplementation improves sleep quality without grogginess or impaired daytime function.

Take control of your hormone health today.

Optimal Hormone Health Center Expertise

Our clinic specializes in diagnosing and treating hormone imbalances through customized bioidentical hormone replacement plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. We take an integrative approach focused on the whole person, not just isolated symptoms.

Why choose Optimal Hormone Health Center?

The path back to hormonal balance

With today’s testing capabilities and bioidentical hormone preparations, restoring your body’s ideal hormonal environment is within reach. You deserve to feel like your younger, vibrant self again. We guide each patient through an individualized step-by-step process:

Step 1: Initial consultation

We conduct a detailed review of health history, labs, genetics, symptoms and goals. Additional relevant testing may be ordered if needed. An integrative treatment plan is then collaboratively created including customized bioidentical hormones along with diet, supplements, stress reduction techniques and movement strategies. Follow up consultations fine-tune treatment over time.

Step 2: Hormone restoration

Bioidentical hormones matching your body’s natural hormones are prescribed in creams, pills or long lasting pellets placed under the skin. Hormone levels are tracked to ensure optimal dosing for each individual. The most commonly prescribed hormones are testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and DHEA.

Step 3: Lifestyle optimization

Guidance is provided to enhance diet, fitness, sleep, stress management and other lifestyle factors. Our associates can connect you with our onsite nutritionists, personal trainers, acupuncturists and mental health professionals. We also provide referrals to specialty practitioners outside our practice.

Step 4: Follow up testing and adjustment

Follow up consultations assess progress through lab tests and symptom surveys. We collaboratively adjust treatment plans to reach optimal wellness goals long term. Patients become active partners empowered to achieve full vitality through balanced hormones and lifestyle practices.

Key Takeaways

The path back to balance is different for everyone. At Optimal Hormone Health Center we start by listening carefully to understand your unique needs, challenges and aspirations. Contact us today to begin your journey towards realizing your full potential for vitality at every age.

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